Custom-Build Feasibility for Wokingham Council
A feasibility study for a development of serviced building plots for affordable custom-build on a site in the district for 25 two, three and four- bedroom homes.
The report outlines the principle matters for decision for the local authority, presented as a series of questions. It then outlines the basis for a financial model and applies this to design options for the masterplan and design code for the site.
Study for the States of Guernsey for a self-build strategy
This study commissioned by the Housing department of the States of Guernsey in 2005 assessed the principle of a self-build programme to contribute to the provision of affordable housing to meet the needs of those Islanders who fall within the intermediate market and to make proposals for the implementation of such a scheme.
To research, understand and recommend the target market for a Self Build scheme in Guernsey including the eligibility criteria for participation in a scheme. To make comparisons with existing schemes in the UK, Europe and elsewhere for the provision of affordable housing.
To recommend proposals for the professional management of a Self Build scheme which will include coordination of the group, project management and the funding and administrative controls required. This should be considered both through an independent cooperative and through the intervention of the States Housing Department in the management of a scheme.
To review the required level of access to professional skilled tradesmen and to recommend recruitment, training and finding mechanisms to ensure supply of adequate skills for the duration of a scheme.
To review issues concerned with the development of the site infrastructure, in particular planning, management, funding and maintenance of such.
To consider and make recommendations for the acquisition and management of funding streams to support the Self Build scheme giving due regard to existing legislation, policy and practice.
To analyse the financial risks involved and determine the extent to which each affect the scheme provider, any independent financier and the individuals participating in a scheme.
To identify and recommend measures that would secure the property and/or any States Subsidy within a pool of resource available for the sustainable provision of affordable housing.
The study was supported by financial modelling by John Clark and the self-build training experience of Geoff Stow.
Building Sustainable Leicester Report for Leicester City Council
Strategy to guide planning policy for sustainable outcomes.
Partners for project were Jon Broome of Sustainability Works, Jonathan Smales of Beyond Green and John Corcoran of Wire Design
Best Practice for Sustainable Design for London Borough of Lambeth
Whilst working at Architype, Jon researched and wrote this Best Practice Guidance for the Implementation of Sustainable Design Principles for LB Lambeth
This study was commissioned by the Housing Department to inform staff when commissioning consultants to carry out design work, engineering work, maintenance and cost advice.